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Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric 

Project Relicensing

On June 21, 1978, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued 50-year license to the Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) (P-2742). The operating license for this small renewable hydropower project will expire on May 31, 2028.

CVEA is applying for a new FERC license. This web page will be used as a repository for all information and public documents prepared during the relicensing process. 

Public Notice Filing

Notice of Intent (NOI)/Pre-Application Document (PAD)

Joint Agency Meeting: August 15, 2023,  Valdez Civic Center

A Joint Agency Meeting took place on August 15, 2023. The hybrid meeting (in person and virtual options) took place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Following the meeting, there was a site visit of project facilities from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.; it was in-person only. View the complete, official meeting materials here.  

Recreation Survey - CVEA is conducting a Recreation Study as part of the relicensing of the Solomon Gulch Project. If you have participated in any recreational activities at the Project recreation site, the John Hunter Memorial Trail, please take a moment to complete the brief survey. 

Draft Study Plan (DSP) - Written comments on the DSP are due from Stakeholders on January 5, 2024. Please send those comments to Coreen Palacios at cpalacios@cvea.org or file them with FERC.

Final Study Plan

Project Summary