Exceptional service through safe, reliable, cost-effective electric service and programs.

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Co-op Month Crossword Challenge

Co-op Month Kids' Crossword Challenge

It's Co-op Month and we want to see what our youngest members know about the Seven Cooperative Principles. Check out the October issue of Behind the Switch - A Newsletter Edition, where you'll find an Energy Explorers Crossword puzzle. You can complete it for fun or in hope of a prize. Just click the image, print a copy, fill in the answers, and bring it to the CVEA office in your district or email it to activities@cvea.org by 5 p.m., Thursday, October 31.

Make sure to write your youth's name and age, the participating CVEA member's name, and a contact phone number on your entry. All entries received by the deadline will be entered into a drawing for a $15 Subway gift card.

(One prize per district. Open to youth ages 5-12.)

Check out the NEWSLETTER to access the Crossword.

Right-of-Way Maintenance Continues

Work Continues in the Right-of-Way

Right-of-Way clearing plays an important role in CVEA's mission to provide reliable power to the members. Maintenance efforts will continue throughout the fall in both CVEA service districts.

Work will include tree clearing and trimming, depending on the area.

Areas include:

  • Copper Basin: Pippin Lake and Willow Lake

  • Valdez: 10-Mile of the Richardson Highway, Homestead Drive, Robe River, and Corbin Loop

Maintaining rights-of-way is an investment in maintaining and improving system reliability, a strategic priority for the Cooperative.

People Behind the Switch Video Series

Go Behind the Switch with Video

So much goes on behind the switch at your local electric cooperative. For a comprehensive look into your Co-op, view our Behind the Switch video. We are also happy to announce the third in our People Behind the Switch video series - 'An Office Story'. You can watch the entire award winning video series at the links below. We hope this series leaves our member-owners with a good understanding of what we face, the people who work hard every day on their behalf, and a sense of pride in all we accomplish.

Watch Behind the Switch Video Here

Watch "People Behind the Switch - An Office Story" here

Watch "People Behind the Switch - A Lineman Story" here  

Watch "People Behind the Switch - An Operator Story" here  

Watch the Solomon Gulch Hydro video here  

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