Exceptional service through safe, reliable, cost-effective electric service and programs.

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Prepaid Metering

CVEA offers prepaid metering for residential members only, at the member’s request. Prepaid metering works the same way a member would purchase gasoline for their vehicles. When members sign up for prepay, they gain more control over their electric usage and their monthly utility spending.

Click the graphic above to magnify

Prepaid Metering Application

The benefits of prepaid meters are:

  • Members can pay when, how, and how often they desire. Breaking their bills into more manageable and budget friendly payments

  • No deposit necessary to connect or reconnect service

  • No late fees or reconnect fees*

  • No monthly bills

  • Members set parameters on their low-balance terms and their notification settings.

  • No collections

  • Account can be fully controlled by the Smart Hub app, from your smart phone, tablet, or computer.  

  • Prepaid makes members more aware of their electric consumption, which may lead to better efficiency and lower spending.

It is highly recommended that the member has access to, and utilize, their Smart Hub account. This is the most efficient way to monitor their usage and balance on their electric account.

CVEA offers a wide variety of payment options to control your prepaid account.

  • In office, or phone payments, Monday – Thursday, 7a.m. – 6p.m., 907-822-3211 Glennallen or 907-835-4301 Valdez

  • After hours over the phone payment (855) 938-3623

  • Smart Hub

  • “Pay Now” option through email

Notice: Some landlords do not allow prepaid metering, if you are a renter, please check with your landlord prior to contacting CVEA regarding prepaid metering.