CVEA Announces Winners of 2019 Ruralite Cover Photo Contest
Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 13th Annual Ruralite Magazine Cover Photo Contest.
Congratulations to Ed Pinsky, Russell Posey, Deb Yamakami, Wayne McKinzey, and Kathryn Peltier. Three of Ed Pinsky’s photos were chosen by CVEA employees this year; A Good Catch, Always Hungry, and Moonrise in the Pass. Kathryn Peltier and Russell Posey won with two photos each; Kathryn for Water’s Edge and Layers of Reflection and Russell Posey for Golden Sunrise and Wrangell Lights. Wayne McKinzey won for his photo Ridge Over Solomon, and Deb Yamakami for her photo Winter Sunshine.
There were 33 photos submitted by 9 member photographers. After being narrowed to 22 finalists, a volunteer team of 9 CVEA employees were given the photos without the photographers being identified, and were asked to vote. These votes were tallied to determine our winners.
CVEA is pleased to have had the opportunity to see everyone’s work and we are thrilled to be able to showcase our members on the cover of Ruralite for one month in 2020. Winning photographs will be featured in the December issue of Ruralite Magazine, on CVEA's Facebook page, and
Again, congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to everyone who submitted photos. We look forward to seeing your submissions again next year.
If you have questions regarding this press release, or any other CVEA issue, please contact Sharon Scheidt, CVEA Director of Communications, at 822-5506, 835-7005, or email
Visit to see the winners!