Exceptional service through safe, reliable, cost-effective electric service and programs.

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Board of Director Nominations

Save the Date for the 2025 CVEA Annual Meeting

The 2025 Annual Meeting of Members is your chance, as a member-owner, to find out what is going on at your electric cooperative.

This year’s meeting will be Tuesday, April 29, in the Valdez District at the Valdez Civic Center, and Thursday, May 1, in the Copper Basin District at the Glennallen Community Center. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. and the business meeting begins at 6 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting will be to hear reports, learn about CVEA projects and issues, ask questions about your cooperative, accept director election results, scholarship awards, employee service recognition, and transact other business.

In addition to learning valuable information, every member signed in by 6 p.m. will be eligible to win a ton of cool prizes, including a $1,000 cash grand prize, and will receive a $10 credit on their power bill! Don’t be late! Finally, attendees can enjoy information booths, fun take-home gifts, a raffle to support the CVEA Community Foundation, and a tasty meal.

To stay up-to-date, visit the Annual Meeting Information page. 

CVEA is Seeking Catering Services for Annual Meeting

Looking for local food vendors to provide to-go style meals for our upcoming Annual Meeting events:

📍 Valdez: Tuesday, April 29

📍 Glennallen: Thursday, May 1

We need individually packaged meals that are:

✅ Easy to eat in a theatre-style seating environment with no tables

✅ Low-mess, but still delicious

✅ Creative and satisfying for our attendees

If you're interested in catering one or both events, review the Request for Proposal here:


Proposal deadline: 6 p.m., Monday, March 31.

For questions, contact Amanda Shipman, CVEA Marketing and Communications Specialist, at ashipman@cvea.org.

People Behind the Switch Video Series

Go Behind the Switch with Video

So much goes on behind the switch at your local electric cooperative. For a comprehensive look into your Co-op, view our Behind the Switch video. We are also happy to announce the third in our People Behind the Switch video series - 'An Office Story'. You can watch the entire award winning video series at the links below. We hope this series leaves our member-owners with a good understanding of what we face, the people who work hard every day on their behalf, and a sense of pride in all we accomplish.

Watch Behind the Switch Video Here

Watch "People Behind the Switch - An Office Story" here

Watch "People Behind the Switch - A Lineman Story" here  

Watch "People Behind the Switch - An Operator Story" here  

Watch the Solomon Gulch Hydro video here  

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