Get involved at CVEA
CVEA encourages members to get involved with their cooperative. Opportunities include: Board of Directors, Board of Adjustment, Scholarship Selection Committee, Credentials and Election Committee, Community Meetings, Annual Meeting, and others.
Here are several opportunities for you to participate in your electric cooperative.
CVEA’s board members are community-minded individuals with a variety of skill sets. The Board is made up of entrepreneurs, telecommunications professionals, bankers, engineers, a retired project manager, a lineman, and others who have worked in the insurance and service industries.
The Co-op relies on their many talents to help make informed decisions on long-term priorities and investments. CVEA directors live right here in the CVEA’s service area, and are considered to be the eyes and ears of the community because they provide their perspective on important community issues.
What does it mean to serve on the Board? Serving on the CVEA Board means you’re making a difference locally, using your individual talents and perspective to guide big decisions about the Co-op that in turn benefit the larger communities we serve. While day-to-day decisions are made by co-op staff, major decisions are made by the Board, whose mission is to look out for the vitality of CVEA and the community. On a granular level, board members typically provide input and guidance on:
- Budgets
- Co-op goals and direction
- Co-op’s community/charitable contributions
- Capital investments and upgrades in equipment and technology
- Renewable investments and energy mix
- Co-op’s role and involvement in economic development
The energy industry is undergoing a major transition. Technology advancements, increased preference for renewable energy, and regulatory requirements are driving change. CVEA is facing big decisions, and board members have an opportunity to help chart a course for our future. To serve the community best, input is needed from a wide range of people that represent the broad spectrum of views within the communities.
Opportunity to Serve - Board of Director Candidates Wanted
Join a dedicated group of community members who work on a volunteer basis for the benefit of all CVEA members.
Three director seats will be up for election in 2024. One seat in the Copper Basin and two in Valdez, each will hold a three-year term.
The Board meets once a month, normally on the third Thursday, for regular board meetings, and on occasion for special meetings. Directors may also travel to participate in statewide and national meetings.
If you have been a member of CVEA for at least 12 continuous months, are a member in good standing, are not an employee now or have not been an employee in the past three years, and are not a close relative of an incumbent director or employee, you may be eligible to be a director. For a complete list of director qualifications, please refer to CVEA's Bylaws Section 4.02, Qualifications.
In order for a member to become a candidate, they must be nominated by petition. Candidates must complete a petition signed by at least 15 active CVEA members, whose signatures must match the signatures CVEA has on file.
If you have additional questions or are interested in a nomination packet, please email
All nominating petitions must be submitted and 15 active member signatures validated by 5 p.m., Thursday, February 8, 2024. Submission instructions are included in the nomination packet.
Click to review Director Policies.
The March 'Behind the Switch - Newsletter Edition' will feature a Meet the Director Candidates article. Ballots will hit mail boxes in early March. Please make sure to vote, even if seats are unopposed. 10 percent of the membership must vote to constitute a valid election. All valid ballots received on time will be entered to win a $50 CVEA energy credit.
The CVEA Community Foundation is doing great things in our communities. The Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes providing scholarships for students and contributions to educational, scientific and charitable organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under the Internal Revenue Code.
If you are interested in being a part of your local Cooperative, but don’t have a lot of time to give throughout the year, the Foundation committees are for you.
The Scholarship Selection Committees review scholarship application packets, determine which students to interview, conduct interviews, and select who will be awarded scholarships. These committees will meet during the months of March and April in 2024.
If you are interested in serving on the Scholarship Committee and do not have a relative (son, daughter, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc.) either by blood or marriage that may apply for a scholarship, please contact either office or email .
This committee requires attendance at two or three meetings, and are estimated to take up to a total of 15 hours. Feedback from committee members is that this committee is fun and rewarding.
A very important part of the Annual Meeting election process is the Credentials and Election Committee. The people who serve are responsible for the validating of signatures on the backside of the envelopes and then the actual counting of ballots. The committees, one for each district, are comprised of interested members who are not employees, directors, candidates, or close relatives of these persons. The Board of Directors will appoint committee members for each district. Service on the Credentials and Election Committee takes place during the month prior to the Annual Meeting, with the majority of the work performed the week prior to the meeting. If you are interested in serving on the Credentials and Election Committee, please call either office or email
The Board of Adjustment acts as an appellate body when a consumer feels the Association has violated its Tariff or has otherwise not accorded him/her fair and equitable treatment. The Board of Adjustment will hear the case from both sides, provided all complaint procedures have been completed.The Board of Adjustment is appointed from the membership at the Annual Meeting in May. The term of a seat on the Board of Adjustment is two years.