Email from CVEA

Behind the Switch

A Newsletter Edition

January 9, 2025

Copper Valley Electric is looking forward to many successes together in 2025!

Celebrating the One-Year Anniversary of Behind the Switch - A Newsletter Edition

We hope you join us Monday, January 13, through Tuesday, January 28, as we celebrate the one-year anniversary of our digital newsletter with 12 days of Behind the Switch One-Year Anniversary Trivia. 12 days, 12 questions, two winners!

Answers for Behind the Switch Anniversary Trivia questions can be found in e-Newsletter issues sent to members throughout 2024; one question per issue. We hope you read every issue, but if you didn't - no worries, issues can be found on CVEA's website by clicking the button below and visiting the archives.


Each morning, Monday-Friday, January 13-28, at 10 a.m., CVEA will post a Behind the Switch Anniversary Trivia question on our Facebook page.

Just provide your answer to the question in the comments prior to the 5 p.m. daily deadline. *Note - Only one entry per membership per day. Late answers will not be eligible for that day.

You can answer one trivia question or all 12. You will get one entry for each correct answer received by each daily deadline. One extra ticket will be given to each participant who answers all twelve questions correctly.

Each entry will be included in a drawing for one of two $150 CVEA energy credits. 12 Days. 12 Questions. 2 Winners.

Let's celebrate together!

(if you are a CVEA member and don't have a Facebook account, email to request alternate instructions for playing Behind the Switch One-Year Anniversary Trivia)

Behind the Switch - A Newsletter Edition

It Is CVEA Board of Directors Election Time

Run for a Seat on the CVEA Board of Directors

Would you like to help power our communities? Join a dedicated group of community members who volunteer for the benefit of all CVEA members. Three director seats are up for election in 2025; two seats in the Copper Basin and one in Valdez. Each will hold a three-year term.

If you have been a member of CVEA for at least 12 continuous months, are a member in good standing, are not an employee now or have not been an employee in the past three years, and are not a close relative of an incumbent director or employee, you may be eligible to be a director.

For a complete list of director qualifications, and instructions for completing and submitting a nomination packet, email customer service by clicking the button below. Nomination packets are now available. The deadline to return your nomination packet is 6 p.m., Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Interested in running? Email Customer Service.

Get Involved at Your Cooperative

CVEA Community Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee

CVEA's Community Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee is looking for volunteers. The Committee is responsible for reviewing scholarship application packets, selecting students for interviews, conducting the interviews, and determining scholarship recipients. These committees meet during March and April. If you are interested in serving on the Scholarship Selection Committee in your district, or have questions, click the button below to respond via email.

CVEA Credentials and Election Committee

The Co-op is seeking members for the 2025 Credentials and Elections Committee. Members who serve on the C&E Committee are responsible for validating signatures on election ballot envelopes and counting ballots for director elections and bylaws amendments. Interested members cannot be directors, employees, candidates, or relatives of these persons. 

Service on the committee takes place during March and April.

If you are interested in serving on the C&E Committee in your district, or have questions, click the button below to respond via email.

Interested in Serving on a Committee?

CVEA Community Foundation 2025 Scholarship Program

Educational Scholarships

The CVEA Community Foundation will offer one $2,000 and two $1,000 General Scholarships, and one $2,000 Continuing Education Scholarship in each district in 2025.

General Scholarships will be awarded to well-rounded high school seniors who plan to pursue post-secondary education through a vocational or technical school, apprenticeship training, or a college degree program.

New in 2025 - the Foundation is offering a Continuing Education Scholarship.

The Continuing Education Scholarship provides adults outside of high school, that are looking to continue their education, begin their education, or advance their current career, an opportunity to apply for funds to use at a postsecondary school or program of their choice. This scholarship includes full or part-time, traditional college, trade schools and certificate programs.

This scholarship will provide qualifying adult students, who continue to meet all eligibility requirements, the opportunity to apply for a $2,500 second-year scholarship.

Youth Leadership Scholarships

The Idaho Youth Rally Scholarship provides an opportunity for sophomores and juniors to attend a week-long industry leadership camp in Caldwell, Idaho in July, where students practice leadership, teamwork, and communication skills while learning about electric utility functions and issues.

The deadline to apply for all CVEA Community Foundation scholarships is 5 p.m., Thursday, February 13.

For detailed information and fillable applications, click the button below.

Scholarship Information

2025 Budget Priorities

The 2025 budget responsibly balances the need to keep member rates as low as possible, have adequate margins at the end of the year, meet key banking requirements, and complete projects that are important for improving system reliability.

Priority projects funded in the 2025 budget are:

1. Valdez Overhead Replacement in the Duck Flats area - $1.3 million

  • Aging infrastructure - these circuits are over 40 years old
  • Will replace wood poles, insulators, and hardware

2. Valdez Overhead Replacement in the Dayville Road area - Phase II - $800K

  • Aging infrastructure - these circuits are over 40 years old
  • Will replace wood poles, insulators, and hardware

3. Relicensing of the Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project - $356K in 2025 ($1.5 million over 8 years)

  • The project license expires in 2028
  • Complete reports for the seven onsite studies conducted in 2024
  • Develop and submit the Draft License Application (DLA)

4. Replacement of Oil Filled Circuit Reclosures (OCRs) and Sectionalizers in the Copper Basin - $480K

  • These switches automatically disconnect power when a problem occurs; they then test the line to determine if the issue has been resolved; if the issue is temporary, the switches will automatically restore power

5. Right-of-Way Clearing - $750K

  • $500K - transmission line
  • $250K - distribution line
  • Specific areas to be determined

Other priority projects include an update of the Member Satisfaction Survey, evaluating text messaging as an option for member communications, and evaluating the potential impacts of the Roadbelt Intertie for CVEA members.

Watch future newsletter editions for details on these important projects.

CVEA Community Foundation Contributions

During the holidays, CVEA Community Foundation representatives caught up with several local nonprofit organizations who were awarded Foundation contributions in 2024. As a reminder, the Foundation awarded over $30,000 in contributions to 18 local nonprofits. We thank these organizations for the work they do in our communities.

View slideshow above for distribution photos. Click the button below for information regarding the Community Foundation.

Community Foundation

CVEA Employee Spotlight

Shane Gundersen

Meet Shane Gundersen, the Communications & Controls Specialist in the Valdez district. Since joining our team in June 2024, Shane has quickly become an invaluable asset. He finds troubleshooting electronic issues both stimulating and rewarding, embracing the challenges with enthusiasm. His expertise and strong work ethic, matched by his genuine kindness, make him a pleasure to work with. Outside of work, Shane enjoys hunting, fishing, exploring new cuisines, and indulging in activities that give him a sense of floating.

Shane says, "I like to solve problems, I recharge in nature, and I am happy and grateful to be working at CVEA." According to Steve Williams, Shane's supervisor, "Shane's fresh perspectives, unique skills, and kind heart are already making a positive impact at CVEA. We're excited to have Shane as part of the team and can't wait to see all the great things we'll accomplish together."

Time to Update Your Signature Card

When you vote on CVEA business, such as Board of Director elections, you are required to sign the ballot envelope. If the signature does not match the signature on the membership card on file with CVEA, the vote cannot be counted.  

For residential members, if you have changed marital status, or names, or wish to add a spouse or household member, please contact CVEA to ensure those changes are reflected on your signature card. If you receive a card via email, please complete it and email it, mail it, or bring it to your local CVEA office.

Organizations, businesses, and associations usually have board members who are authorized to transact business. The person who signs the election envelope must be an authorized signer on the account. If your Board of Directors, executive officer, CEO, or other signers have changed in the past year, then it is time to update your CVEA membership card.

For information on updating your signature card and necessary documents, click the button below.

Update Signature Card

Behind the Switch - A Newsletter Edition Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of CVEA's first Behind the Switch - A Newsletter Edition Photo Contest. Winners will receive $150 for each photo and be featured as the e-Newsletter header one month in 2025. We appreciate every submission and look forward to showcasing local photographers this year.

View winning photos in the slideshow above.

Reminder - Higher Usage Can Mean Higher January Electric Bills

Members will soon receive their January electric bills. While electric rates will remain the same as December, member bills may still see increases in January due to increased usage. This is often the result of colder weather affecting home heating and the need to plug in vehicles, as well as the holidays, which typically mean more people at home, increased cooking/baking, visitors, and holiday lighting, to name a few.

We encourage members to review and track their usage using SmartHub, take advantage of CVEA's energy calculator to see the cost for energy usage of common household appliances, and to visit our website for energy efficiency tips.

Visit our Website

Energy Efficiency and Safety Tips

Space Heater Efficiency Tips

In certain situations, space heaters can be a good option for staying warm in small rooms, or colder than normal parts of your home or office. If you do use a space heater, keep these steps in mind to get the most savings:

  • Do not use a space heater to heat large areas; buy a space heater that is made to heat a room about the size of the one where you plan to use it to avoid using more energy than you need
  • Compare wattages between similar models to see which one is more efficient
  • Look for a thermostat or timer setting that can save energy while keeping the room from becoming overheated
  • If you are using the space heater, turn down the thermostat on the central unit to avoid doubling up on your heating costs
Space Heater: Friend or Foe Article

Space Heater Safety Tips

If using a space heater to stay warm in your home, remember to follow these safety tips:

  • Purchase space heaters that have a nationally recognized testing laboratory label
  • Inspect heaters for cracked or broken plugs or loose connections before each use; if frayed, worn or damaged, do not use the heater
  • Place space heaters on level, flat surfaces, but never place on cabinets, tables, or other furniture
  • Keep space heaters out of high traffic areas and doorways where they may pose a tripping hazard
  • Plug portable space heaters directly into an outlet; do not use an extension cord
  • Do not use a space heater in wet or damp areas unless it is specifically designed for use in wet locations such as bathrooms
  • Never leave a space heater unattended; turn it off when you leave the room or go to sleep
Electric Safety Tips

Photo courtesy AEA website

CVEA to Host the Alaska Energy Authority for Discussion on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is looking ahead to Phase 2 of the Alaska National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Plan. This will involve building infrastructure on highways outside of the Alternative Fuel Corridor and along the Alaska Marine Highway System. They have planned an outreach event at the CVEA office in Valdez on February 26, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. They are seeking input from the community on EV infrastructure needs. If you are interested in participating, contact AEA at

For information on the NEVI Plan, click the button below.

Alaska Energy Authority - NEVI

We Want Your Feedback And Ideas!

Have Feedback on the e-Newsletter or Ideas For Articles?

CVEA's goal is to meet your communication needs. If you have feedback or topics you would like to see included in a future issue of Behind the Switch - A Newsletter Edition, send us an email by clicking the button below. We will review thoughts and ideas and do our best to make adjustments and include member suggestions throughout the year.

Submit Your Feedback and Ideas

Member Comments and Questions

Copper Valley Electric wants to know what members have to say, and our team is on hand to answer questions you may have.

If you have comments or questions on any CVEA topic, email Customer Service by clicking the link below.

Customer Service

Career Opportunities

CVEA has excellent opportunities for qualified applicants. View current job opportunities posted on the CVEA website.

Visit Careers

Important Dates

Copper Valley Electric Association | | 907-822-3211 |

Mile 187 Glenn Highway, PO Box 45, Glennallen, AK 99588

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